Suparna Airlines
Suparna Airlines (formerly known as Yangtze River Express and Yangtze River Airlines )is a subsidiary of Hainan Airlines.
Location: Shanghai, China
Founded: 2003
Fleet: 9 x B737-800 (PAX), 11 x B737 (CARGO), 4 x B747 (CARGO)
(over 900 flight hours annually) (over 60 flight hours monthly) (over 60 flight hours monthly)
Performance Salary: $2,000/month
Type-rating Allowance: $1,500/month on Narrow Body, $2.000/month on Wide-body
Loyalty Bonus: $6,000 (1st year), $12,000 (2nd year), $18,000 (3rd year and thereafter)
Housing Allowance: $1,800/month
Transportation Allowance: $400/month
Annual Leave: 15 days/year
Contract Renewal Bonus: $2,000 plus 4 domestic tickets
Instructor Benefits: $800/month for Class-B instructor
$1,500/month for Class-C instructor.
Job Role:Captain
Type: Contract
Aircraft: B737/747/787
Minimum Requirements:
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